Home Security in Birmingham

Keeping your home and loved ones safe and secure is a top priority. Whether you need a lock changed or fixed or you want to replace the locks in your new home, something we highly recommend as you have no idea who may have a copy of the keys, you will want to be sure the work is done by a trustworthy and professional locksmith. Kyox Locksmiths of Birmingham have been providing residential locksmith services in Birmingham for many years. Your local, honest, experienced technician is skilled to fix door locks, install new locks, re-key and advise which locks or security option best suits your needs.

We recommend following Neighbourhood Watch advice and ensuring your front door has a door viewer or a peep hole to see who is at your door before opening. Having a door latch or chain is also an important safety feature particularly if you have children or elderly living in the house. Kyox Locksmiths of Birmingham can also check your window locks and install child safety locks or specialised UPVC locks where necessary. See here for more about reporting and preventing crime.

You can also get involved with various community groups that work together with the police to make Birmingham a safer and more pleasant place to live.

If you are concerned about the recent increase in lock snapping and burglaries ask our locksmiths about the new anti-lock snapping locks which cannot be broken using this technique.

Kyox Locksmiths of Birmingham
Phone: 01213 740134 | Hours: Monday through Sunday, all day [map & reviews]
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